March 28, 2010

My Mesh Tool Fruits

If you have gone through my previous posts, you might have noticed that I have posted some of my fruit illustrations using the Mesh tool in Adobe Illustrator.
These fruits were drawn for a reason - Packaging. The packaging is going to be displayed in a branding gallery where I work along with many others that my colleagues and I have created.
This project is what kept me away from making videos and posting on my blog.

I will be posting some of my final artwork here after the launch of this new gallery. So please keep checking!
I shall also (hopefully) start making my videos again soon. I have truly missed them and I really hope I can squeeze in this hobby into my tight schedule.

Till then. take care and stay inspired!!

March 13, 2010

Another Self-Reflection

I was reflecting on my life today...summing up all the things I used to do, have been doing and want to do...
Here is what I came up with:

- Write poems...tons of them!
- In the process of building six pack abs
- Collector of various Photoshop goodies - brushes, textures etc
- Read lots of novels
- Work out daily
- Drink Avocado milkshake and have a banana daily!

- Work as a Graphics Designer
- Blog occasionally.
- TRY to work out once in a while
- make video tutorials for youtube.

- ALL that I used to do + what I do now + get a new exciting hobby

After this self-reflection,
I tried to tackle the no.1 thing in my list. Write a poem.
what used to come naturally to me before, took me ages and in the end I just gave up. A bad case of writer's block and a warning sign that I shouldn't let go of my passion!!
This really scared me.
My word of Advice for all today is:
if u like to do something, DO IT! don't leave it for a later time. Time don't wait for no one! we all know that...yet we take it for granted?

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