It was a very memorable day! Entering the hall with butterflies dancing in my tummy, I felt a mixture of different feelings - sad, happy, overwhelmed, nervous, excited, Ecstatic!
We felt like big celebrities as we entered the hall. Photographers, proud parents and other loved ones snapped our photos from every angle as we made our way to our seats.
I was really happy to be selected as an award winner! I won an award for "Best in Advertising Design" and I felt like my hard work had really paid off after all the years of Designaholism :)
This is where I must thank God for giving me the strength to help me through the enduring times, especially in my last semester when I had just lost my father. I don't know how I manage to get everything done. Thank you God.
I also thank Mostafa for his support, inspiration and strength during the breakdowns, company during the lonely days and nights and help in my photography-related assignments by being the best model I could ever find! Thank you so much Mushy!!
I thank my family - Mom, dad and sis for their support and allowing me to go for my dreams. Without my dreams I am just a little living veggie. Thank you so much!
Last but not the least, I thank my friends for the inspiration. Advertising is all about thinking for creative ideas. When my mind couldn't think of any more ideas, discussing them with friends really helped to expand them. My friends also helped lighten those dark cloudy days when stress took over my life!
Oh, I must also thank Starbucks and Coffee in general! Most of my best ideas came over coffee!! :)
As I say goodbye to my student life at Limkokwing University, I feel a sense of pride. I learnt a lot in my stay here. From the little girl who was used to being spoonfed, I have evolved into the young woman who can take care of herself no matter what situation she is in.
For those reading my blog, I will sign off by giving a few words of advice.
- Never underestimate yourself - if others can do it, so can you, they are humans too after all!
- People will always try to bring you down. Ignore them and show them what you can do!
- Loneliness is just a state of mind. You can use your time alone in doing things that you always wanted to do, in building a better future by fully utilizing your time. Do anything. Just don't waste it by feeling lonely. You know what they say about idle minds!
- Don't forget to pray! Always remember God at all times.
I will end here for now; When I am more successful, I will add a few more words of advice. I still have a lot of mistakes to make and learn from for now :)